Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Property Boundaries

When you're buying vacant land, you may decide to have the property surveyed to determine or verify the exact boundaries of the parcel. Just like when finding the right Realtor® to assist you in finding the right property you need to find the right Professional Land Surveyor to work with you and who can get the job done right.

Moe Land Surveying, Inc has created this online brochure which outlines exactly what a Professional Land Surveyor is, what they do and answers many questions you may have about getting a land survey. The site has 13 pages of information including "When do you need a Land Surveyor" "Methods of Surveying" "Ten Types of Surveys" and more. Check it our here Professional Land Surveyors

Remember, we at BuyWisconsinLand.com want you to get the information you need to make an informed choice when purchasing your dream property.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Land Buying Checklist

With Spring in the air, now is the time when you begin thinking about summer plans, including finding that perfect recreational property for you and your family to enjoy for many years to come. Whether you enjoy hunting, hiking, ATVing, birdwatching, camping, or just want to have a place away from the city to call your own, buying land is still a major purchase and you need as much information as possible to make your dreams come true.

This Ezine Article by Brandan Marchand is a great checklist of things to look for and ask your Realtor® about when looking at property.
Perhaps you have dreamed about owning a piece of property, building your dream home and living happily ever after. What many don't consider is that buying raw land can be challenging and should be approached with great diligence and caution.

Unlike a home for sale, raw land may appear innocent. In most cases - large defects are readily apparent in a home. Mold, structural problems, cracks and leaks stand out and can easily be found by a qualified home inspector. In a land purchase, your problems are harder to find and usually more severe. Some questions one should ask when buying raw land.

Full Story Buying Raw Land - An Insider's Guide
A great place to begin your property search is BuyWisconsinLand.com. We have listings in over 40 Counties in Wisconsin, and we use the latest technology to get you the information you need to make an informed choice when purchasing your dream property. Check out our website, send us an email property@buywisconsinland.com or call 877-339-6535. We look forward to working with you.