Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Wisconsin Cheese Facts

Wisconsin is the Dairy State and well known for it's cheese.  But how much do you know about Wisconsin Cheese?

Wisconsin produces about 2 billion pounds of cheese a year.  Our 1290 licenced cheese makers (the most in any state) make 26% of all our country's cheese. And it takes 10 pounds of whole milk to make one pound of cheese.

Find these and more Wisconsin fun Cheese and Dairy facts on the Ehlenbach Cheese website Cheese Facts

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Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Health Tips for Extreme Heat

Enjoying this heatwave?

Here is a link for the the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to give you tips for staying healthy during the heat, including what symptoms require immediate medical care and a list of Cooling Centers. Heat - Related Health and Safety Tips

Please take care during this unseasonably hot weather. 

Happy Independence Day from all of us at