Tuesday, November 20, 2012

2012 Thanksgiving Will Cost Less

Some good news!  According to the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation, this year your Thanksgiving Feast will cost less than last year. The average price for a meal this year based on a family of ten will be $48.88, which is $1.29 cheaper than 2011.

Check out this article from nbc15.com which includes a slide show with a breakdown for each items' price. Thanksgiving in Wisconsin Will Cost Less

Happy Thanksgiving from BuyWisconsinLand.com

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Follow the Crane Migration

The International Crane Foundation, located in Baraboo, released 6 young whooping cranes at the Horicon National Wildlife Refuge in September for their first migration to Florida.  On September 28th  Operation Migration took to the air to lead the birds on their 1258 mile journey. You can read daily reports from the crew of the ultra light and follow this wondrous flight Operation Migration In the Field

Visit these websites to learn more International Crane Foundation and Operation Migration

Veterans Day is Sunday November 11th.  We at BuyWisconsinLand.com thank all our veterans for their service to our great nation.