Thursday, May 22, 2014

Rubber Chicken Fling

Visit Princeton this Sunday for the 12th Annual Rubber Chicken Fling. Test your skill - fling rubber chickens for accuracy and distance for prizes. New this year is the Cluck-A-Roo 5K Run/Walk.

Get all the details and events list on their Facebook Event Page 12th Annual Rubber Chicken Fling

Never forget those who sacrificed all for our freedom.  Have a safe and fun filled Memorial Day Weekend from all of us at

Saturday, May 3, 2014

All Things Cheese

Wisconsin is known as "America's Dairyland".  While we may not lead the nation in milk production, we do make some of the country's great cheeses.

One event that is truly Wisconsin is the annual Grilled Cheese Academy Grilled Cheese Recipe Showdown. Entries for this year's contest are due May 14th, so get your recipe in here Grilled Cheese Showdown

For more cheesy fun including recipes, events, pairing, locations to buy fresh made cheese and more see the Wisconsin Milk Board's site