Friday, August 31, 2012

Wisconsin and Michigan Win Awards for "Mitten State Debate"

If you remember last winter Travel Wisconsin, the State Tourism office, used a mitten to represent our state for it logo for a seasonal campaign.  Many residents of Michigan were outraged, claiming they were the "Mitten State" (see blog post from December 8th, 2011).

Pure Michigan, that State's Tourism office, and Travel Wisconsin encouraged the debate, all in good fun, and then created the "Great Lakes Mitten Campaign" to collect mittens and warm clothing for charities (see blog post from January 10th, 2012).

Now Michigan and Wisconsin have won the U.S. Travel Association Mercury Award for their handling of "Mittengate".  By promoting the "controvery" both states enjoyed $17 million dollars of free publicity and collected 3,100 mittens and winter clothing items for Wisconsin charities.

See these articles:
Mitten feud wins for Wisc., Mich. tourism officials  - Janesville Gazette
'Mittengate' garners award for Wisconsin tourism agency - The Business Journal
Mitten flap between Michigan and Wisconsin wins state travel departments national recognition -

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

World's Largest Amateur Musky Tournament

This weekend, August 17th-19th, it's the 27th Annual National Championship Musky Open Tournament in Eagle River.

Registration will be $55 at the Vilas County Fairgrounds. The Grand Door Prize this year is a 2012 Mercury Powered Ranger Boat with a RangerTrail trailer, and there will be many other great prizes. A portion of the proceeds from this event go to fish stocking and habitat imporvement.

Bring a non-perishable food item for the Vilas County Food Pantry and be entered to win a a Shimano Reel and other great fishing prizes.  Also bring a friend who's never fished before and you could win a musky rod and reel.

Get all the details for this fun family fishing weekend here National Championship Musky Open Tournament.

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Orphaned Wildlife

One of the best things about being outdoors is seeing wildlife.  Watching the deer graze in a field, geese flying in a 'V' formation, seeing bunnies hop across the grass, frogs jumping into a pond. 

You may have even found a baby bird fluttering on the ground, or seen a fawn wandering on it's own. It's best not to approach the animals, most times the mother is nearby and watching.  There are times when you will find a baby that is alone or adult animal that is injured.  Again you should never approach these animals. Some animals have diseases that will pass to people and pets, and human scent can direct preditors right to the animal's location.

If you find a wild animal in distress you can contact the Wisconsin DNR or a Licensed Wildlife Rehabilitator to rescue the animal. Check out this article from the DNR website which tells you what to look for and has a list of Rehabilitators you can contact. What to do if you find orphaned wildlife

Looking for your own wooded property to watch wildlife? We have listings in over 45 Wisconsin Counties.